Credit & recognition are important for yourself and others. In commercial noble terms, it always helps us to improvise and maintain high-quality standards. For example in hospitals to help their service improvise and maintain their good quality standards, hospitals apply for NABH i.e. National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Healthcare Providers.
NABH - It stands for National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Healthcare, it is, a constituent board of the Quality Council of India. It provides standard objectives elements for hospitals to achieve in order to get NABH accreditation/certification.
There are several NABH accredited Hospitals around like Jahangir Hospital. etc Accreditation focuses on competency in terms of its staff, equipment, collaterals, premises, facilities etc. With respect to the scope of service being rendered by the health care organization.
To obtain NABH there are 100 standards, 514 objective elements, each accreditation standard is a statement of an expectation or requirement which makes it possible to deliver quality care. The primary goal of this accreditation is to ensure that the hospitals not only perform evidence-practice but also give importance to access, affordability, efficiency quality and effectiveness of health care.
Now when we know at a glance about NABH standards and how it's important to let's also focus on the fact, that when in hospitals patients are admitted for various types of illness and purposes like some are admitted for cardiology treatment, some for kidney stone, for pregnancy it's quite easy to understand but even though in that case the different types of severities so on and so forth. How do doctors or hospital staff recognize these illnesses, purposes, and severities?
Yes my friends, by the patient identification band or wristband. Patient identification is the first step to keeping your patients safe when they enter your facility—whether you work in the busy trauma center of a large hospital or a small long term care facility. These identification tags are different in hospitals they follow color code under the guidelines of NABH like if a patient is wearing a purple hand band means DNR— “do not resuscitate.” Patients who have made decisions about their end-of-life care and what measures they want taken will often have these bracelets. If you see a patient wearing a Yellow identification tag it means he is on high risk to fall down, hence he needs assistance. Red means that the patient has an allergy, and often includes a big letter “A” on the bracelet as well. Those allergies can be anything from food – nuts, soy, gluten, etc. – to dust or pets to medications.
Green: This means that a patient has a specific allergy— latex. Since most hospital gloves and a lot of hospital tools contain latex, these bracelets alert staff when they need to use substitutes, if possible. These bracelets often include a big letter L
Pink: Means “restricted extremity,” i.e. an arm or another limb so swollen or in so much pain that it can’t handle an I.V., injections, or blood pressure cuffs.
There are also identification patient bands which are which has patient code no., Gender, blood group, DOB and room no.

Wristbands containing patient information have been the standard method of identifying patients in hospitals for many years. There is evidence that suggests that there are patient safety risks associated with the use of patient identification bands.
Hence manufacturers take utmost care while preparing it and thus hospital administration staff contact suppliers and manufacturers who are experienced and skilled in preparing it like Infina, Printina etc. where they continue its innovation and intelligent design with an extensive patient ID portfolio.
The manufacturer needs to be careful while preparing patient identification bands like it needs to adhere to NABH standards, it's customized by hospital requirement, and it should be skin-friendly, environmentally safe and cost-effective.
Now let me help you understand in a small zest of detailing of preparation of ID Bands. Printina is specialized in preparing various types of Wristbands, patient identification bands, Baby id band, Barcode Patient id band, Barcode wrist band, infant wrist band etc. Some ID bands we see are taped with sticker paper, some are the button press, Printina has a well-equipped machine which helps prepare the hole in the patient ID Band in such a detailed way that it can be adjusted to wrist size. As the patient identification band should not be skin-friendly it should also be tamper-proof, non-tear able and flexible.
NABH does pay careful and detail attention to the collaterals, equipment used in hospitals as its consumer and Healthcare centric. Hence next time if you find your self in hospital you would be much aware now to check the NABH certificate in that hospital and be relaxed to know you are in a safe place with good, knowledgeable Hospital staff to take care of you.
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